Stadtbibliothek Knittelfeld (Town library)
Contact und information:
Hauptplatz 15 (Eingang Frauengasse)
Tel.: +43 (0) 3512/83211-511
Fax: +43 (0) 3512/83211-505
The town library can be found in the Town Hall Forum and is an information hub for Knittelfeld. Between the media and internet library there is access to around 26,000 audio/visual materials. Books, magazines, videos, CD's, CD-roms, DVD's and games can all be borrowed here. There are 2 internet access areas that are available for free use for 30 minutes. The library regularly hosts readings, lectures and events, as well as children's events such as Montagsakademie (Monday Academy). Comfortable seating areas and sofas invite you to browse through the different reading selections.
Here you can browse the town library inventory!
Library Online:
A project of BVÖ (Book Association Austria), funded by BMBWK
We look forward to your visit!
Borrowing and lending terms
Registration and borrowing
After personally filling out an application (children under 18, require a parent or guardian signature) you will receive a library card. Please bring the library identification card with you at each visit. A one time fee of €5 is charged upon registration. Your information is saved for 7 years, accounts that are not used will then be deleted. With signing the registration application, you agree to follow the terms of use set by the library. It is not permitted to copy or loan out library media to friends or acquaintances.
Lending fees
For adults, per medium, for a time period of:
3 weeks for 1 book 0.70€
2 weeks for 1 game 1.50€
2 weeks for a CD-ROM 2.00€
2 weeks for a CD 2.00€
1 week for a magazine 0.70€
1 week for a video or DVD 2.00€
For children and youth, per medium, for a time period of:
3 weeks for 1 book 0.10€
2 weeks for a game 1.50€
2 weeks for a CD-ROM 2.00€
2 weeks for a CD 2.00€
1 week for a magazine 0.10€
1 week for a video or DVD 2.00€
Extending the lending period
It is possible to extend the lending period at anytime (also by phone). Every medium's lending period can only be extended two times. Media that has been pre-ordered can not be extented.
Past due
Late fees will be incured on items that are past due. The late fee for adults, children and youth, per medium is 1.00€ for the first week and is incurred the first day past the due date. After the 8th day a written late notice will be mailed to the borrower, who will also be charged for postage.
Damaged materials
Every medium will be thoroughly checked upon return. Missing articles (manuals, CD's, game pieces, etc.) must be replaced. If this is not possible, then the entire medium must be replaced. Lost and heavily damaged items must be replaced. Please do not repair the damage yourself, instead notify the librarian.
Book requests
You can make a request for any medium that is currently being borrowed. If there is a book or other media that you wish to borrow but is not in stock, we will do our best to provide one.
It is possible to use the internet for free for 30 minutes.