Citiziens Advice Bureau
Stadtgemeinde Knittelfeld (Knittelfeld township)
Hauptplatz 15, 8720 Knittelfeld
Ground floor (entrance also possible through Frauengasse)
Tel. + 43 (0) 3512/832 11-501, -502 oder -503
Fax: + 43 (0) 3512/83211-222
E-Mail: stadtgemeinde(a)
Hours of operation:
Mon-Thurs: 7:30 to16:00
Fri: 7:30 to 13:00
Since the existence of the Bürgerbüro (November 1998) about 40,000 customer services are performed annually. The concerns and needs of our customers are very important to us. We strive every day to meet the needs and help solve the problems of our customers quickly and efficiently. We offer an extensive range of services and ensure short waiting periods.
We look forward to your visit!
- Registration in Knittelfeld (If you want to register or re-register with the Knittelfeld township, you will need a completed Meldezettel (certificate of registration) as well as photo identification (i.e Passport) and your birth certificate) – You can fill out and print off a certificate of registration (Meldezettel) here: Meldezettel
- Issuing applications from other authorities
- Fulfilling requests from the municipality
- Issuing employee assessment forms
- Compensation fund confirmations
- Criminal record citations
- Complaints, (receiving and forwarding information)
- Bioküberl (bins for biodegradeable trash) supply/issuance
- Biodegradeable trash pick up (registrations and cancellations)
- Familienbeihilfen (family allowances) Finanzamt (tax office)
- Family Passports, Styria
- Lost and found
- Assistance funds – official confirmations
- Dog tax – registery and cancellations
- Meldezettel (registration form) - copies
- Trash bags available for purchase
- Music school discount applications
- Commuters aid – commuters tax
- Care attendence monetary assistance (Application, increases or grants)
- Garbage/trash pick up (registration and cancellations)
- Drug prescription exemptions
- Radio, television and telephone base fee waivers
- Speiseölküberl (cooking oil disposal bins) – supply/issuance
- Student aid applications (issue of receipt)
- Issuing tax vouchers
- Suggestions for improvements (receiving and forwarding information)
- Public aid (i.e elderly assistance) information
- Apartment requests
- General requests (receiving and forwarding of request information)
Extensive information and forms are available at: